Health Benefits of Magnesium

Posted by Jim Komara on

Magnesium is one of the most important and widely overlooked minerals. It plays a critical role in almost every process within the body, including maintaining healthy bones, nerves, and blood pressure. Even though it’s so important, many people don’t get enough magnesium in their diet. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roughly half of all adults do not meet the recommended daily intake for this mineral. In this article, we will learn about some of the amazing benefits of magnesium and why you should be taking it as a supplement.

Is Magnesium Good For You?

Magnesium is essential for life and good health. It’s vital for your muscles and bones, blood pressure, nerve function, and for helping your body to use other nutrients, such as vitamins B and C. The recommended daily intake for magnesium is around 350mg for men and 280mg for women. And if you’re taking a calcium supplement, you’ll need extra magnesium to balance it out. As we get older, our bodies become less efficient at absorbing magnesium. If you are over the age of 40, you may also be at risk of having low levels of magnesium in your body. If you want to stay healthy and avoid feeling tired and stressed out, you should definitely consider increasing your magnesium intake.

Jump Start Your Morning

If you’ve been in a bad mood, you may wonder if you’re ‘getting old’. Sometimes it’s just that you need to increase your magnesium intake. Most people are deficient in this vital mineral, and it’s a very common cause of low energy and mood. Magnesium is a relaxant, so an increase in your intake can help you to ‘de-stress’ and relax, making it easier to get a good night’s sleep. Studies show that people who take a magnesium supplement everyday report feeling less stressed and more relaxed than those who don’t take a supplement.

Magnesium for Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for your health and well-being. It’s when your body repairs itself, strengthens your immune system and helps you to stay alert and productive during the day. For a lot of people, sleep just doesn’t come easily. If you find it hard to fall asleep or to stay asleep, you could be deficient in magnesium. Most people are. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and helps your body to relax. If you’re low in magnesium, it makes it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep, leading to poor sleep and even mood issues like anxiety and depression. Magnesium is especially important if you suffer from insomnia or have a condition like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or restless leg syndrome.

Mood and Depression Benefits

Magnesium is involved with many systems in the body and is vitally important for mental health. People who are depressed often have low levels of magnesium in their bodies and low levels of magnesium are also associated with anxiety and panic attacks. A deficiency in magnesium can also lead to irritability and mood swings, making it harder to cope with life. But, fortunately, magnesium has been shown to be as effective as certain prescription medications for treating depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.

Help with Stress and Anxiety

Another common problem caused by low levels of magnesium is high stress. Stress is the number one cause of sleeplessness and the two go hand in hand. One study that looked at the health of pilots before they fly long haul flights shows that they have high stress levels and low levels of magnesium. A magnesium supplement can help you to get your stress levels under control, allowing you to rest better and focus more during the day.

Bone Health

One of the most well-known uses of magnesium is in the treatment of osteoporosis, the brittle bone disease that increases your risk of breaking a bone as you age. It’s estimated that around half of all older adults in America have low levels of magnesium and don’t even know it. And while magnesium supplements are one of the most effective ways to treat osteoporosis, it’s important to know that magnesium also supports the health of your bones even if you don’t have that disease.

Other Health Benefits of Magnesium

- Magnesium can help to prevent migraines. Studies show that magnesium can reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines. - Taking magnesium supplements has been shown to reduce insulin resistance and improve the sensitivity of your cells to insulin, which is important for preventing type 2 diabetes. - Magnesium supports your immune system, helping to keep you healthy and preventing infections. - Magnesium reduces blood pressure. Taking a daily magnesium supplement can help to keep your blood pressure in check and prevent you from needing medication. - Magnesium also helps with constipation, heartburn, leg cramps, and even asthma.

How to get enough magnesium naturally

There are plenty of foods that have high levels of magnesium, including almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, oats, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and wild salmon. You can also get magnesium from dark chocolate, spinach, and many other vegetables. Beans, whole grains, and dairy products also have good levels of magnesium. If you eat a well-balanced diet, you shouldn’t need to take a magnesium supplement. However, it’s probably a good idea to get your magnesium from food first because too much from a supplement can cause adverse side effects. If you don’t get enough magnesium from your diet, you may want to take a supplement. But, as always, make sure you choose a high-quality brand, like Natural Calm.


Magnesium is a critical mineral that supports and regulates many functions in the body. It's important for bone health, blood pressure, and mood, as well as many other bodily processes. Getting enough magnesium in your diet can be difficult, so it's important to consider taking a magnesium supplement as well. There are many benefits associated with taking a supplement, such as better sleep and mood, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved bone health.

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